Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Jain Divine

Hello Friends,

Today I am going to go a little off beat and write about my way or path to reach the almighty God. I am born in a Jain family and I follow Jainism as my holi path. Just going to give you a glance of my divine....

Art credit : My Daughter Rajvi Gautam Shah

What is Jainism?

Jainism is an ancient religion from India promoting non-violence, for all beings in the universe. Basically, it’s a constant attempt for the soul onward to reach an apex of spirituality. Motto of Jainism is "Jeevdaya" 

Strong Beliefs / spirituality of Jainism.

  1. Every living creature has a soul; every soul can potentially become divine;
  2. Every being should be treated with equal respect, this means hurting no one. 
  3. Each soul is born human, sub-human, hellish, or celestial, based on Karma. Each being is the creator of his or her life.
  4. Jainism focuses a lot on mastering ones senses, removing ones negative and unenlightening ones thought, known as repairing Karmas. 
Jainism practices maintain ones health through diet, being Vegetarian is a must which also includes no eating roots ie vegetables part that grow underground. 

On a daily basis, a typical Jain worship is a universal prayer, “Navkar Mantra” which includes the reminder of their path to attain the Moksha ie the ultimate liberation. Of all mantras Navkar mantra is the first and foremost one.

The Navkar Mantra is as follows:

Namo Arihantânam 
(I bow to the Arihantâs (Jain God)).

Namo Siddhânam 
(I bow to the Siddhâs (Liberated Souls)).

Namo Âyariyânam 
(I bow to the Âchâryas (Spiritual Leaders)).

Namo Uvajjhâyanam 
(I bow to the Upadhyâya (Teachers)).

Namo Loe Savva Sahûnam 
(I bow to all the Sadhûs (Saints)).

Eso Panch Namokkaro, 
Savva Pâvappanâsano 
Mangalanam Cha Savvesim, 
Padhamam Havai Mangalam 
(This five bow destroys all sins and obstacles).

The Navkär Mantra contains the main message of Jainism which is very clear. If we stay on the right path then we will proceed to a higher state and ultimately (Siddha) liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The goal of every Jain is to become a siddha. This Navkar Mantra is always in the mind, lips and soul of a Jain.

One more important thing for a Jain is to visit at least once to The Shatrunjay Mahatirth, Palitana temple which is considered the most sacred pilgrimage place by the Jain community.

Steps – 3364 * Height - 2000 ft…7.5 mile 

Pratima– 27007 * Jinmandir - 3507 
Pagla -1500 

Countless saints and great souls have attained the supreme liberation. Every particle (kankar) of the soil of this pilgrimage is in itself a holiest temple. Besmearing the forehead with this soil is the basic process of destroying the sins of birth-death cycle. It is said that Jain God also has besmeared their head with this Palitana soil. Not only souls but even god were blessed with getting chance of this pilgrimage. "It is said and is confirmed that whichever soul has a chance to besmear his/her forehead with this soil will definitely attain liberation very soon."

Jainism is very deep and whatever is mentioned in it is slowly slowly being proved scientifically nowdays. Such as drinking boiled water, eating before sunset and after sunrise, roots have lots of micro organism......

"This post is published for the week 3 of #OpenNTalk Blogger's League Team1 #jamss2018 hosted by Gleefulblogger & Wigglingpen in association with SummerBarnVedantika HerbalsNyassaExplore Kids World."

Head to the other #Jamss2018 members’ blogs to read their entry for week 4
  1. Jigna Gautam Shah
  2. Aishwarya Srinivas
  3. Mayuri
  4. Snigdha
  5. Sinduja

If you like my blog, subscribe and follow me on my social media handles such as Facebook pageInstagram and Twitter


  1. I have a Jain friend too. I love the principles used in Jainism. I remember saying the Navkar Mantra during my school days, recollecting those beautiful memories. #OpenNTalk #InvincibleGang

  2. Thanks Yogeeta. Jain principles are rally meaningful. And Navkar Mantra is a miracle creating slogan.

  3. Wonderfull post,well explained, I am proud to be Jain. And Navkar mantra has miracle. It always reliefs me in any kind of stress. Unexpected result are seen. Palitana tirth is a awesome piligrimage which given you moksha very soon. Rajvi it is a beautiful masterpiece.

    1. Thanks yes we both have seen the Navkar Mantra's miracle. Off course proud to be Jain

  4. It is interesting to know about Jainism.

    – Anami from #InvincibleGang for #OpenNTalk #Week3

  5. Rajvi, very fantastic pic if lord Mahavir u had made...Jigna, U had dine a fabulous work of promoting Jainism in such a superb and easy ways...NAVKAR MANTRA AND SHETRUNJAY TIRTH , both r the MORALS of jainism...They r main foundation of jainusm which are never ending..We jains call the "SHASWAT"..U had kelt both of them on same platform and enhanced our Jainism in true way.. Thanks jigna for promoting our Jainism ...

  6. Thanks Mehul to add more important fact. The art is purely by Rajvi. I am Proud Jain

  7. good to read on this as I have grown among the culture of jain people around..

  8. Jainism is just not a word or religion it's all about knowing the truth of the life and making it better by following the principles #prettyladiestalk Proud to be jain

  9. i did not know about Jainism, infact this is the first time, i am reading so much info abt it.
    such an informative post.the main foundations of Jainism are so interesting to know.
    - Princy from #InvincibleGang for #OpenNTalk #Week3

    1. Jain foundations are very strong. And very straight.

  10. I love all the principles. This one the most
    Every being should be treated with equal respect, this means hurting no one.

    #OpenNTalk #BlogAMile

    1. This principle is the base of Jainism. Only if this principle is followed perfectly then there will be no negative in the world.

  11. Sometime knowing other religions also gives you peace. Thanks for Sharing. #BloggerBabes #OpenNTalk

  12. I am from a hindu bramhin family,I believe doing good things, helping needy people are the ways to make our God happy. Karma is imp. I have read the Jaina mantra in history. #OpeNTalk #BloggerBabes

    1. Sayeri doing good things and helping people is very good. Jain religion has one more step that is Jeevdaya - no hurting any being.

  13. That is beautiful artwork by Rajvi.
    I remember going to the Derasar with my Jain friends. Loved the peaceful atmosphere there. Thanks for sharing this.
    #OpenNTalk #JAMSS2018

    1. Thanks to like my daughter's art. Yes our Derasars are really really peaceful.

  14. One query... why is it that Buddhism has tended to travel further and has had a deeper impact than Jainism? I ask this because both of these are more recent religions as compared to the ones that have existed for ages.

    Arvind Passey

    #NISSATalks #OpenNTalk

  15. Jain preachings are practical and as you rightly pointed out, scientifically proven. I've grown up around Jain people and know how devoted they are. Thanks for sharing.
    #OpenNTalk #BloggerBabes

  16. Jainism lead a peaceful life and mostly the Jain followers are not involved in violence. As such no religion promotes Violence but people go astray, but Jains stick to it. Useful info. #BlogAMile #OpenNTalk

    1. True all religions do not promote violence. But Jainism believes in no hurting even mirco organisms which cannot be seen with the naked eyes.

  17. Jainism is a peaceful religion, I knew that. But there are many new things I got your from your post. Thanks.



  18. All I learned about Jainism from my Jain friends started and ended with 'Micchami Dukaddum'.
    It was good to read more about it. Thanks for sharing! :)

    #CrossBorderSisters #OpenNTalk

    1. Micchami Dukaddum are words, if said by the Depth of the heart can forgive all your mistakes and sin.

  19. Lovely post! Thanks mom to feature my
    Art of Lord Mahavir in your post. I am Proud to be a Jain also. Will follow as you do it.

  20. Very nice article about Jainism...Proud to be jain...The details you have shared are so perfect and to the point. Keep up the good work. Pranam

  21. Just need to add one point as we Jains do believe in God not as a creator but as a perfect being... And the miracle of Shetrunjay and Navkar mantra is unbelievable...

    1. Well said Siddharth we believe God as Perfect Being and not creator.👌

  22. Well explained Jigna. Base of Jainism is Jeevdaya - no hurting any being. Proud to be Jain

  23. I knew some basics of Jainism but this post helps to know more and understand things better. #zarahatkeblogreads #CrossBorderSisters #OpenNTalk

  24. I had very little knowledge on Jainism. . Thanks for sharing all the information with us. It is really auspicious. #jamss2018 #OpenNTalk

  25. Ohh this is really great to learn all these again. actually, I belong to Rajgarh (Dhar), a small towm in MP and here 90% of population are Jain and because of this, I know a lot about the Jainism. your post has reminded me my childhood days. #OpenNTalk #RoarwillRock

    1. Really it is good to hear that Rajgarh in MP has 90%of Jain Population.

  26. This is a beautiful post u have described Jainism in a beautiful way

  27. Rajvi has made a really nice pic of god mahavir.It is excellent way to spread jainism.

  28. Love all the principles of jainism.and wonderful pictures.

  29. Good description & undersanding of Navkar Mantra. Will be inspirational to non jains also.

  30. Excellent work by my darling daughter Rajvi. Keep up the good work.All people should practice the beliefs of Jainism. It scientific proven true.

  31. Very detailed post about Jainism and their holy places. I have one friend who is Jain and I come to know from her some spiritual rules and every Jain follows.

    Bhawna shah

  32. Thank you for sharing details about Jainism. Though I have Jain friends, never had discussed in detail about their religion. This post is quite informative.
    Appreciate your daughter's drawing and painting.

  33. Very informative post. Will be bookmarking this for my kids. Thank you so much! #RoarWillRock

    1. Thanks Definitely pass the information to your kids.😅😅

  34. This is an amazing blog.Jainism is the only religion who takes cares of every such microorganisms which are not even visible with our naked eyes.very informative blog.Amazing picture Raj view.
